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The Team

Our People

A key part of what makes A&B what we are is our dedicated employee’s. We highly respect the willingness of our employees to maintain our professional standard and work ethic day by day. This is shown through their dedication to their clients and work. Each employee is a valuable and intricate part of our company, they make us able to work at such a high level and build the company even more daily.

Managing Director

Iain Bramwell ACII

Finance Manager

Janet Bradshaw

Broking Manager

Clare Leigh BA(Hons) Dip CII

Broking Manager

Alistair Broadley BSc (Hons) Dip CII

Account Executive

Alex Bramwell


Mark Rogers

Account Executive

Matthew O’Grady BA(Hons), Cert CII

Account Executive

Will Scaife DIP CII

Account Executive

Tom Dowd Cert CII

Group New Business Broker

Connor O’Grady

Finance Assistant

Ryan Knott

Account Handler

Alifiya Butterworth CERT CII

Account Handler

Alison Gough

Account Handler

Hazel Goodall Dip CII

Account Handler

Jessica Vayro CERT CII

Account Handler

Louise Trappe CERT CII

Account Handler

Michelle Moore

Account Handler

Nathan Sparrow

Account Handler

Peter Swain Cert CII

Account Handler

Dayla Rollinson CERT CII

Account Handler

Regan Potter Cert CII

Account Handler

Eva Morris Cert CII

Trainee Account Handler

Lewis Woodward

Account Handler

Liz McCarthy cert cii